Stage One (of the Mediation Process)
Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM)
A Mediation Information Assessment Meeting (MIAM) is a short appointment with a family mediator which gives you the opportunity to find out how mediation works. During this appointment you can discuss the issues that you would like to resolve in mediation, any concerns that you have, other options that may be available to you, and the costs involved. If you are seeking Legal Aid for mediation, the mediator will complete your Legal Aid assessment at your MIAMs appointment. The Mediation Process
You and the mediator will make a decision based on what is discussed at the MIAM as to whether or not mediation is suitable for your situation. At present, it is a legal requirement for any person making an application to court to attend a MIAMs appointment before the application is made, Click the link to learn more about Family Mediation Information and Assessment Meetings
Stage Two
Mediation Meeting
This consists of one, or a series of appointments, which you attend with the other person and a family mediator. The mediator will work with you both to explore the issues that you would like to resolve then identify and discuss possible options with the object of helping you to reach your own solutions.
These appointments usually last 1 hour and 30 minutes.
Stage Three
Once mediation has concluded we will draw up of summary of the proposals REACHED. If you have discussed the arrangements for your child or children we will produce a Child only Memorandum of Understanding, this will detail the proposals agreed in mediation.
If you have discussed financial matters we will produce an Open Financial Summary which details your financial disclosure and a Memorandum of Understanding which will detail the proposals REACHED. Once child and financial arrangements have been proposed through Mediation you may wish for these to be made legally binding.
A solicitor can turn your confirmed intentions into a consent order (in divorce proceedings) or a separation agreement (if you and the other party are not married)
Shuttle Mediation
Some cases require what is called a shuttle mediation, this is where the parties sit in separate rooms and the mediator ‘shuttles’ between the two. This will be discussed at your MIAM appointment and can be used in cases where domestic violence or other circumstances make it too difficult.
Child Inclusive Mediation
We are professionally qualified to meet with children to give them the opportunity to discuss with a mediator their wishes and feelings. This information can then be shared with you both to assist in making arrangements.